
13. Turn on the ANT MOTOR SW on the scanner unit (Refer to figure1-4).
Note: When the length of the cable between the scanner unit and the power supply unit
is more than 60 meters, the magnetron heater voltage may not reach the lower limit due
to voltage drop. If this is the case, increase the voltage with the sliding contact R813 in
the power supply unit, and readjust with R811, R812 in the scanner unit.
4.8 Initial Settings
The SETUP menus (two), OTHER menu, OS & ANT menu, OTHER menu, BLIND SEC-
TOR menu and OUTPUT ALM menu setup the radar according to expected usage, au-
thorities specification, ship's characteristics, operator’s preference, etc. Set items on each
menu in accordance with regulations/operator’s preference. After entering settings, re-
set the power.
SET UP 1 menu
Keying sequence: [MENU] [0] [0] [0] [0] [6] [6]
HDG ADJ: Aligns heading.
TIMING: Adjusts sweep timing.
VIDEO LEVEL: Adjusts video amplifier level automatically or manually.
MBS-T, MBS-L: Suppresses main bang in level and timing
ANT H: Enter height of scanner above water. Select from 5 m, 7.5 m, 10 m, 15 m, 20 m,
or more than 30 m. Set height of scanner for both main display and sub display (if in-
STC SLOPE: Selects level of STC affect; Slow, Medium or Fast.
Set STC slope for both main display and sub display (if installed).
ALM LEVEL: Select echo strength which triggers the guard zone alarm.
SET UP 2 menu
Keying sequence: [MENU] [0] [0] [0] [0] [6] [6] [0] [0]
LOG RATE: Enter speed log’s pulse rate.
HDG SNSR: Select type of heading sensor connected to the radar: gyrocompass or
magnetic compass.
KEY BEEP: Turns key beep on/off.
HU TB: Enables/disables the heading up true bearing presentation mode.
VIDEO: Set to NORMAL (analog signal) for normal use. Select QV (Quantized Video) to
adjust ARP.
OS & ANT: See OS & ANT menu.
BLIND SCTR: Sets area (up to 2) where no radar pulses will be transmitted. For ex-
ample, set the area where an interfering object at the rear of the scanner would produce
a dead sector (area where no echoes appear) on the display. To enter an area, select ON
and enter relative bearing range of the area.