7. Vector Charts
1. Source of Chart Catalogue
• CD ROM: Display charts available in a named "CD ROM".
• RENC: Display charts available from an RENC.
• SENC: Display charts stored in your hard disk in SENC format.
2. View Filters
• Name: Display also cell names in graphical coverage display.
• Permit: Display only charts for which you have permit.
• RENC Cancelled Charts: Display charts that are cancelled in an RENC.
• Group: Display chart in selected group.
• Navigation purpose: Display charts for chosen navigation purpose (overview, general, coastal, approach, harbor,
3. Selected Chart
• Cell: Name of the chart
• Cell Status: Open Cell Status Window.
• Open: Open selected chart in radar.
4. Edit Group: For further details, see section 7.4.3 How to group S57 chart cells.
5. The chart limit boxes are color-coded as follows:
The chart is available for use in SENC format. If the source of the chart is an RENC then the chart is
also up-to-date. If the source of the chart is something other than an RENC, then all loaded updates are
included into the SENC.
The chart is available for use in SENC format but the chart is either not
up-to-date or has been
cancelled. Either the SENC is from a former edition, the SENC is missing the latest updates or the
chart has been cancelled.
If the chart is permit free, you do not have it available for use in SENC format and thus you cannot use
the chart currently.
The chart requires a permit but you do not have the permit for the chart therefore you cannot use the
chart currently.
The chart is available either in ENC format, in SENC format for another software version or in SENC
format for another chart radar. For example, the chart is blue during SENC conversion and when you
loaded a chart into the chart radar and the system could not convert the chart into SENC format.
You have a permit to use the chart, but there is neither ENC nor SENC available on ECDIS, therefore
you cannot use the chart currently.