5 ALARM ACK • Acknowledges unacknowledged alert.
• Silences the audio alarm.
6 InstantAccess
Selects the buttons on the InstantAccess bar.
7 ESC Goes back one step in current operating sequence on the InstantAccess
8BRILL Rotate: Adjusts the brilliance of the display (FURUNO-supplied monitor
Push: Selects a color palette.
9 A/C RAIN Rotate: Suppresses rain clutter.
Push: Toggles between manual and automatic rain clutter adjustment.
10 A/C SEA Rotate: Suppresses sea clutter.
Push: Toggles between manual and automatic sea clutter adjustment.
11 GAIN Adjusts the sensitivity of the radar receiver.
12 HL OFF • Temporarily erases everything except radar echoes when pressed and
held down.
• Enters the numeric 1.
• Selects like-numbered menu item.
13 EBL OFFSET • Activates or deactivates the offset EBL.
• Enters the numeric 2.
• Selects like-numbered menu item.
14 MODE • Selects a presentation mode.
• Enters the numeric 3.
• Selects like-numbered menu item.
15 STBY/TX Toggles the radar between standby and TX.
16 OFF CENTER • Puts sweep origin at the cursor location.
• Enters the numeric 4.
• Selects like-numbered menu item.
17 CU/TM RESET • Course-up: Resets heading line to 000°.
• True motion: Moves own ship position 75% of the radius in stern direc-
• Enters the numeric 5.
• Selects like-numbered menu item.
18 INDEX LINE • Selects an index line (in the PI line box).
• Long-press to activate or deactivate selected index line.
• Enters the numeric 6.
• Selects like-numbered menu item.
19 MENU Opens, closes the menu.
20 VECTOR TIME • Sets the vector time (length) for TT and AIS targets.
• Enters the numeric 7.
• Selects like-numbered menu item.
• Sets the vector mode (relative, true) for TT and AIS targets.
• Enters the numeric 8.
• Selects like-numbered menu item.
22 TARGET LIST • Displays AIS, TT data in the target list.
• Enters the numeric 9.
• Selects like-numbered menu item.
23 CANCEL Cancels the changes made on the currently selected menu.
24 TRAIL • Goes back one page in the menu.
• Moves cursor leftward in text box.
• Turns the echo trail display on or off.
• Long-press to reset all trails.
No. Control Description