3.8 How to Display TT Data
The TT mode provides the full functionality of TT as required by the IMO MSC.192(79)
and IEC 62288, including display of range, bearing, course, speed, CPA and TCPA of
all tracked targets.
The target bearing is show in relative bearing in the head-up mode and true bearing
in the course-up, north-up and true motion modes, with the suffix "R" (Relative) or "T"
The target speed and course are shown as speed over the ground or speed through
the water depending on speed source.
3.8.1 How to display target data for individual TT
You can show the data for two (19-inch display) or three (23-inch display) tracked tar-
gets in the TT information window.
From the Control Unit
Put the cursor on a target then push the TARGET DATA key.
By trackball module
Click the target for which you want to show its data.
Tracked target data
z To erase data from a data box, click the appropriate close data button.
z The basic target data display for a TT consists of the following information:
• TT no. Target numbering starts from "1". When a target is erased the number will
not be reused until the power is re-set or more than 200 targets are acquired.
• Bearing (BRG) and distance (RNG) of the target from own ship
• True speed over the ground (SOG) and true course over the ground (COG) of
the target
• CPA and TCPA. A negative TCPA value means that you have already passed
the closest point and the TT is going away from own ship.
• Bow Crossing Range (BCR) and Bow Crossing Time (BCT)
Title bar
TT no.
Course over ground
Speed over ground
Bow crossing range
Bow crossing time