3.9 Displaying Target Data
The TT mode provides the full functionality of TT as required by the IMO
Resolution A.823(19) and IEC 62288, including display of range, bearing, course,
speed, CPA and TCPA of all tracked targets.
The target bearing is show in relative bearing in the head-up mode and true
bearing in the course-up, north-up and true motion modes, with the suffix "R"
(Relative) or "T" (True).
The target speed and course are shown as speed over the ground or speed
through the water depending on speed source.
3.9.1 Displaying target data
By keyboard
Use the trackball to put the cursor on a desired tracked target and press the
[TARGET DATA] key. The target’s shape changes to a square. To erase a
target’s data from the data box, press the key again.
By trackball
1. With cursor inside the effective display area, roll the scrollwheel to show
"TARGET DATA & ACQ / CURSOR MENU" in the guidance box.
2. Use the trackball to put the cursor on a desired tracked target then push the
left button.
3. To erase a target’s data from the data box, select the target on the radar
display then push the left button.
Target data display is as below.
RNG/BRG: Range and bearing from own ship to the selected target with suffix
"T" (True) or "R" (Relative).
COG/SOG (in case of GPS): Course and speed are displayed for the selected
target with suffix "T" (True) or "R" (relative). CSE/STW are shown for manual
speed and speed through the water.
CPA/TCPA: CPA (Closest Point of Approach) is the closest range a target will
approach to own ship. TCPA is the time to CPA. Both CPA and TCPA are
automatically calculated. When the CPA has passed clear of own ship, it is
indicated by a TCPA with a negative (-) sign. TCPA is counted to 99.9 min and
beyond this, it is indicate as TCPA> -99.9MIN.
BCR/BCT: BCR is the closest range at which the selected target is predicted to
cross your ship’s bow. BCT is the time at which the selected target is predicted
to cross your ship’s bow.