Error Messages & Exception Conditions
Error and Status Messages
Cannot write to Trend Link Data Set! Check amount of free disk
space available.
You are trying to write to a Trend Link data file on a disk drive that has little or
no storage capacity.
To use this disk drive, delete unneeded files to create space for the Trend Link
data file with its associated data set. To delete old Trend Link data files, see
"Deleting Old Trend Link Files” in Chapter 5 of this manual.
Cannot write to Trend Link infolink.ini! Check file permissions or
location of file.
Trend Link is unable to write to your infolink.ini file.
The Trend Link infolink.ini file is either missing, corrupted, is from a
previous version of Trend Link, or is write-protected. Trend Link will look for the
infolink.ini file in one of three places. The default location is in the
c:\Program Files\Fluke\tl directory. Refer to Chapter 4 of your Trend
Link for Fluke manual for more information. Check your Trend Link installation
or reinstall Trend Link using the procedures in Chapter 2.
Cannot open data file!
Your data file cannot be opened.
Enter a valid file name and directory path.
Cannot open file [File Name]!
Your input file for a conversion utility (Utilities menu) cannot be opened.
Enter a valid file name or valid formatted file.
Cannot write to NETDAQ.INI file! Check file permissions.
You are not being allowed to write to the c:\Program
Files\Fluke\netdaq\netdaq.ini file (assuming you have used the
default directory).
Check the permissions for the netdaq.ini file. In particular, remove Read-
Only protection. If you have netdaq.ini opened in an editor or some other
application, close that application.
Changes made in lower level dialog boxes will be lost. Are you sure
you want to cancel?
This will occur in the Instrument Configuration, Channels Configuration, and
Data File Configuration dialog boxes if the user cancels after having made
changes in lower level dialogs under these dialogs. For example, if the user okays