2640A/2645A NetDAQ
Users Manual
When a grouped instrument is externally wired, you can select any
combination of trigger types for the Master instrument: Interval Trigger,
External Trigger, or Alarm Trigger. NetDAQ Logger configures the Slaves
for External Trigger so they will respond to the trigger signal from the Master.
• Unwired Group
If you cannot wire the grouped instrument, select only the Interval Trigger for
the Master. NetDAQ Logger automatically sets all Slaves to use the Interval
Trigger with the same Interval 1 value as the Master. If any additional trigger
types are selected for the Master, then additional scans might be triggered in
the Master that are not triggered in the Slaves. This could cause Slave scan
data to be duplicated with more than one Master scan.
To use this method, uncheck the “Group is Externally Wired” check box in
the Group Instruments dialog box.
To designate a group instrument, complete the following procedure:
1. Select Setup | Group Instruments to open the Group Instruments dialog box.
2. From the Instruments list, designate each instrument as Master, Slave, or
• Highlight the Master instrument and select the Master button. Designate
the Slaves in a similar fashion. Check the Group is Externally Wired box
if applicable.
• Highlight the independent instruments, and select the Async button.