
In Preview, you see the settings shown below:
5 Open the Paper Size menu and place your cursor
on the 4×6 in option. You see extended options:
Select 4 × 6 in (Borderless) to print without
any borders.
Select 4 × 6 in (Borders) to print with white
borders all around.
6 Select the direction you want your photo to print
( for portrait, for landscape facing right, or
for landscape facing left) as the Orientation.
7 Select Print Settings from the pop-up menu.
8 Choose from the following settings:
Select Enhance Fine Details to bring out the
fine details of a particularly intricate photo
(printing may be slower).
You can change the Color Option and see the
effects on the sample photo (the changes
don’t affect your original).
Sepia changes the colors to brown for an old-
fashioned look.
Black & White changes a color photo to