Top View
Direction of rotor movement.
Axial force at coupling
to be 250-300lbs.
Rigidly attach dial indicator.
Position it on the axis of the
Small wooden block or fulcrum.
Force to be determined
by length of level arm.
Rotor Being Pushed By
Use Of Lever
Direction of rotor movement.
Axial force at gate rotor to be
250 to 300 lbs.
Wooden block to prevent
damge to gate rotor blade.
Force to be determined
by length of level arm.
Use bolt for fulcrum.
Rigidly attach
dial indicator.
Side View
Showing gate rotor bearing float
being measured.
The Vilter Single Screw Compressor is designed for
long periods of trouble free operation with a mini-
mum of maintenance. However, a yearly inspection
is recommended so any irregular wear is noted and
rectifi ed. At this time, the bearing fl oat is measured
for the main rotor and gate rotors.
The following are the procedures used in measuring
the main rotor and gate rotor bearing fl oat.
When taking the measurements, do not exceed 250
to 300 Lbs. of force at point of contact or damage
may result to the bearings
A) Shut down and de-pressurize the unit.
B) Main rotor bearing fl oat.
1) Remove the coupling guard, then remove
the center member from the coupling.
2) Attach a dial indicator to the compressor
frame as shown and zero indicator. Place a
lever arm and fulcrum behind the compres-
sor coupling half and push the coupling
towards the motor (note measurement).
3) Re-Zero indicator, now position the fulcrum
on the motor and use the lever arm to push
the input shaft towards the compressor
(note measurement).
Bearing Float 0.003” 0.002”
Maximum Force 250 to 300 50 to 100
Lbs. Lbs.
Direction of rotor movement.
Axial force at gate rotor to be
250 to 300 lbs.
Wooden block to prevent
damge to gate rotor blade.
Force to be determined
by length of level arm.
Use bolt for fulcrum.
Rigidly attach
dial indicator.
Side View
Showing gate rotor bearing float
being measured.