21. Use the INC button to rotate the actuator to-
wards its maximum position while watching
the millivolt readout on the controller screen.
Discontinue pressing the INC button when
the millivolt reading in the “Current” window
is approximately 9200 millivolts (7900 mil-
livolts for the 2783J qualifi ed analog boards).
You are nearing the mechanical stop position.
22. Pulse the INC button to carefully move the slide
valve until the millivolt readout “saturates”, or
stops increasing. This is around 9500 millivolts
(8400 millivolts for 2783 qualifi ed analog boards).
23. Pulse the DEC button until the millivolts just
start to decrease. (This is the point where
the channel drops out of saturation).Ad-
just millivolt value to 300 millivolts below
recorded maximum millivolts in step #22.
24. Press the “Set Max” button.
25. Press the “Main” button to complete calibra-
tion and exit the “Slide Calibration” screen.
The controller will automatically energize
the actuator and drive it back to its mini-
mum position (below 5%) for pre-start-up.
26. Note: Now the “Current Cap” or the “Current
Vol” value will be displayed in the window on the
“Main” screen and the “Slide Calibration” screen.
27. Gently lower the plastic cover over the top
of the actuator to where it contacts the base
and o-ring seal. After making sure the cover
is seated properly, gently tighten the four
#10 screws. Caution: The plastic cover
will crack if the screws are over tightened.
28. Enable the “Slide Non-Movement Alarm” by go-
ing to the “Setup” menu and choosing “Alarm
Enable” for the “Slide Non-Movement Option”.
29. This completes the calibration for this chan-
nel either capacity or volume. Repeat the
same procedure to the other channel.
Slide Valve Actuator Installation & Calibration