Instruction Manual
July 2003
Rosemount Analytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Operation 3-5
Model NGA2000 PMD
Introduce a suitable on-scale gas (NOT actual
sample) into sample inlet.
Apply power to the PMD Analyzer Module. If
it is associated with a Platform, do this by
plugging in the Platform to a power source.
The Platform has no ON/OFF power switch.
Once power is supplied to the Platform, the
PMD Analyzer Module will be energized.
If the user's system contains only one Ana-
lyzer Module, all system components, the
Controller Board and the network "self-install"
(bind together) during initial startup. If the
system contains more than one Analyzer
Module, the startup sequence will interrogate
the network to locate and identify all compo-
nents on the network. The user will have to
bind appropriate combinations of components
after the startup sequence.
After the warm-up period, approximately one
hour for PMD Module, all modules are com-
pletely functional.
Enter appropriate data in the Calibration Gas
List (by making the following display selec-
tions: Main Menu, Expert Controls and Setup
[enter security code, if necessary], Analyzer
Module setup, Calibration Gas List). Also, en-
ter appropriate values in the Calibration Pa-
rameters menu (by making the following
display selections: Main Menu, Expert Con-
trols and Setup [enter security code, if neces-
sary], Analyzer Module Setup, Calibration
Parameters), particularly data related to which
ranges are to be zeroed together and how the
Analyzer Module is expected to calibrate
ranges (separately or otherwise).
The Analyzer Module will not allow the user to
increase the upper limit of a range beyond the
"maximum range" software setting. To
change the "maximum range" value, select
the following from the Main Menu: Technical
Configuration Menu, Service Menu, Manufac-
turing Data, Analyzer Module Data. Select
Maximum Range, and use the arrow keys to
scroll the indicated value. The same applies
for "minimum range" settings.
To achieve full coordination between Analyzer
Modules and associated I/O Modules, the
user must bind those components together in
the System Setup portion of the Technical
Configuration Menu in software.
Calibration consists of establishing zero and
span calibration points. Generally, zero and
span calibration should be performed on the
range that will be used during sample analy-
To calibrate the PMD Analyzer Module, intro-
duce zero gas into the SAMPLE INLET, and
do the following:
1. If the Multi-Analyzer Module, split Run
Mode display is shown, press the DIS-
PLAY softkey until the desired Analyzer's
Run Mode display is acquired.
2. Press the MENUS softkey to enter the
Main Menu.
3. Press the ENTER key to enter the Basic
Controls menu.
4. Press the ZERO softkey to enter the Ana-
lyzer Zero menu.
5. Press the ZERO softkey and wait.
6. Introduce span gas (Table 3-2 on page 3-
6) into the SAMPLE INLET.
7. Press the SPAN softkey to enter the Ana-
lyzer Span menu, press SPAN again and
8. Press the HOME softkey to re-enter the
Main Menu.
9. Press the DISPLAY softkey for the Run
Mode display.
For users of analyzers with suppressed indi-
cating ranges, it may be desireable to cali-
brate the analyzer zero and span points within
the suppressed range with gases in the sup-