Instruction Manual
July 2003
Rosemount Analytical Inc. A Division of Emerson Process Management Operation 3-1
Model NGA2000 PMD
Prior to initial startup, the user should perform
the leak test procedure outlined in Section 2-
4c on page 2-3.
For the remainder of this section Analyzer
Module interconnection with a Platform or
some interfacing component will be assumed.
Display and keypad information shall refer to
that which the user can expect to see and do
with regard to the front panel of the Platform.
For a complete description of the Platform
front panel controls and indicators, see the
Platform instruction manual, Displays & Oper-
ating Keys.
Three kinds of Display screens are available
to the user:
• Run Mode
• Menu
• Help
a. Run Mode Display
The Run Mode is the normal mode of op-
eration. In this mode, the Display (see
Figure 3-1 on page 3-3) will show current
gas measurement, the component of in-
terest, the current operations of the soft-
keys, and a graphic bar representing the
displayed concentration as ppm or as a
percent of oxygen.
If more than one Analyzer Module is con-
nected to the system, the Run Mode dis-
play will show as many as four gas
measurements on screen. Alarm mes-
sages may also appear on the display
(See Table 3-1 on page 3-2).
b. Menu Displays
The menu structure enables the user to
access data and functions, and put infor-
mation onto the network.
The Main Menu (Figure 3-2 on page 3-3)
is subdivided into three levels of control
based generally on which personnel is
likely to use it: Basic Controls, Expert
Controls and Setup, and Technical Level
Configuration. See Figure 3-3 on page 3-
3, Figure 3-4 on page 3-4, and Figure 3-5
on page 3-4. Many layers of the menu
structure are described at appropriate
places throughout this manual.
From the Run Mode display, press the
MENU softkey to enter the Main Menu
(Figure 3-2 on page 3-3).
c. Help Displays
The Help structure is intended to be an
on-line "tutorial," context sensitive and
topic-interconnected, so that the user can
practically operate NGA2000 without
need of an instruction manual (Figure 3-6
on page 3-4).