ATCA-7350 Control via IPMI Programmer’s Reference (6806800H29E)
About this Manual
The following table describes the conventions used throughout this manual.
IPMC Intelligent Platform Management Controller
IPMI Intelligent Platform Management Interface
LAN Local Area Network
LED Light Emitting Diode
LSB Least Significant Bit
LUN Logical Units
MAC Media Access Control
MSB Most Significant Bit
NetFn IPMI Network Function in Hexadecimal
OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer
PICMG PCI Industrial Computer Manufacturers Group
PwrOk Power OK
RTM Rear-Transition Modules
SDR Sensor Data Records
SEL System Event Log
SOL Serial Over LAN
VCC Virtual Channel Connection
VER Version
Abbreviation Definition
Notation Description
0x00000000 Typical notation for hexadecimal numbers (digits are 0
through F), for example used for addresses and offsets
0b0000 Same for binary numbers (digits are 0 and 1)
bold Used to emphasize a word
Screen Used for on-screen output and code related elements or
commands in body text
Courier + Bold Used to characterize user input and to separate it from
system output
Reference Used for references and for table and figure descriptions
File > Exit Notation for selecting a submenu
<text> Notation for variables and keys
[text] Notation for software buttons to click on the screen and
parameter description
... Repeated item for example node 1, node 2, ..., node 12