Emerson Specific Commands Supported Commands
ATCA-7350 Control via IPMI Programmer’s Reference (6806800H29E)
2.3 Emerson Specific Commands
The Emerson IPMC supports several commands which are not defined in the IPMI or PICMG
3.0 specification but are introduced by Emerson: serial output commands.
2.3.1 Serial Output Commands
Activate firmware 0x2C/0x2D 0x35 -
Query self-test results 0x2C/0x2D 0x36 -
Query rollback status 0x2C/0x2D 0x37 -
Initiate manual rollback 0x2C/0x2D 0x38 -
Table 2-14 Supported PICMG 3.0 Commands (continued)
(Request/Response) CMD Comments
The firmware upgrade commands supported by the ATCA-7350 are implemented
according to the PICMG HPM.1 Revision 1.0 specification.
z Before sending any of these commands, the shelf management software must
check whether the receiving IPMI controller supports Emerson specific IPMI
commands, by using the IPMI command 'Get Device ID'. Sending Emerson specific
commands to IPMI controllers which do not support these IPMI commands will lead
to no or undefined results.
z Implementing any of the Emerson specific IPMI commands means that the software
is not portable to other IPMI controllers that do not use the IPMC firmware.
Table 2-15 Serial Output Commands
Command Name NetFn (Request/Response) CMD Description
Set Serial Output 0x2E/0x2F 0x15 See Set Serial Output Command on
page 24
Get Serial Output 0x2E/0x2F 0x16 See Get Serial Output Command on
page 24