68 Micro Motion
Model 2200S Transmitters
Integrating the Meter with the Control System
Note: Whenever you use ProLink II to set the HART address to 0, ProLink II also enables the Loop
Current Mode parameter (places a check in the checkbox). Whenever you use ProLink II to set the
HART address to any other value, ProLink II also disables the Loop Current Mode parameter. Be sure
to verify the Loop Current Mode setting after you configure the transmitter’s HART address.
Note: Whenever you use the Communicator to set the HART address to 0, Loop Current Mode is
automatically enabled. Whenever you use the Communicator to set the HART address to any other
value, Loop Current Mode is automatically disabled. If you need to change this, first set the HART
address as required, then use ProLink II to configure Loop Current Mode.
To configure the Loop Current Mode parameter:
• Using ProLink II, click
ProLink > Configuration > Device.
Note: You cannot configure Loop Current Mode with the display or the Communicator.
6.3.3 PV, SV, TV, and QV assignments
In the transmitter, four variables are defined for HART communications: the PV (primary variable),
the SV (secondary variable), the TV (tertiary variable), and the QV (quaternary variable). A process
variable such as mass flow is assigned to each HART variable.
The values of the assigned process variables can be reported or read in several ways:
• The PV is automatically reported through the mA output. It can also be queried via digital
communications or reported via burst mode. If you change the PV, the process variable
assigned to the mA output is changed automatically, and vice versa. See Section 6.2.1.
• The SV, TV, and QV are not reported through an output. They can be queried via digital
communications or reported via burst mode.
Table 6-7 lists the valid assignments for the PV, SV, TV, and QV on the Model 2200S transmitter.
Table 6-6 Process variable assignments for PV, SV, TV, and QV
Process variable PV SV TV QV
Mass flow rate ✓✓✓✓
Volume flow rate ✓✓✓✓
Temperature ✓✓✓✓
Density ✓✓✓✓
Gas standard volume flow rate ✓✓✓✓
Drive gain ✓✓✓✓
Mass total ✓✓✓
Volume total ✓✓✓
Mass inventory ✓✓✓
Volume inventory ✓✓✓
Board temperature ✓✓✓