Configuration and Use Manual 37
Configuring Process Measurement
Operation AppendicesMaintenance and TroubleshootingCommissioning
4.4 Configuring mass flow measurement
The mass flow measurement parameters control how the flowmeter measures and reports mass flow.
You must configure:
• Mass flow measurement units
• Mass flow cutoff
Note: If you use the display, you can configure only the mass flow measurement unit.
4.4.1 Mass flow measurement unit
The default mass flow measurement unit is g/s. See Table 4-3 for a complete list of mass flow
measurement units.
If the mass flow unit you want to use is not listed, you can define a special measurement unit for mass
flow (see Section 4.4.3).
To configure the mass flow measurement unit:
• Using the Communicator, select
Detailed Setup > Config Fld Dev Var > Flow.
• Using ProLink II, click
ProLink > Configuration > Flow.
• Using the display, see Figure 2-13.
Table 4-3 Mass flow measurement units
Mass flow unit
Unit descriptionDisplay Communicator ProLink II
G/S g/s g/s Grams per second
G/MIN g/min g/min Grams per minute
G/H g/h g/hr Grams per hour
KG/S kg/s kg/s Kilograms per second
KG/MIN kg/min kg/min Kilograms per minute
KG/H kg/h kg/hr Kilograms per hour
KG/D kg/d kg/day Kilograms per day
T/MIN MetTon/min mTon/min Metric tons per minute
T/H MetTon/h mTon/hr Metric tons per hour
T/D MetTon/d mTon/day Metric tons per day
LB/S lb/s lbs/s Pounds per second
LB/MIN lb/min lbs/min Pounds per minute
LB/H lb/h lbs/hr Pounds per hour
LB/D lb/d lbs/day Pounds per day
ST/MIN STon/min sTon/min Short tons (2000 pounds) per minute
ST/H STon/h sTon/hr Short tons (2000 pounds) per hour
ST/D STon/d sTon/day Short tons (2000 pounds) per day
LT/H LTon/h lTon/hr Long tons (2240 pounds) per hour
LT/D LTon/d lTon/day Long tons (2240 pounds) per day
SPECL Spcl special Special unit (see Section 4.4.3)