SERIAL Digital I/O Series User Manual Eagle Technology - Data Acquisition
The counter sub-system is supported by functions to Write, Read, Configure and controlling
the gate. There are 6 counters. Counter-timers are only supported by the SRL24C, SRL 48C,
SRL 72C and SRL 96C. The table below shows the relation of the counters and their software
assigned numbers.
Counter Assigned Number Description
CT0 0 Counter 0
CT1 1 Counter 1
CT2 2 Counter 2
CT3 3 Counter 3
CT4 4 Counter 4
CT5 5 Counter 5
Table 4-2 Counter Assignment
SRL48C/SRL96C Counter-Timer Architecture
Figure 4-2 Counter-Timer Architecture
Writing the initial counter value
A single call is necessary to write a counter’s initial load value.
Long EDRE_CTWrite(ulng Sn, ulng Ct, ulng Value)
The serial number, counter-number, and a value must be passed by the calling function. A
return code will indicate if any errors occurred.
Long EDRECTX.Write(long Port, ulng Value)
The counter-number and a value must be passed by the calling function. A return code will
indicate if any errors occurred.
Reading the counter value
A single call is necessary to read a counter.
Long EDRE_CTRead(ulng Sn, ulng Ct, pulng Value)
The serial number, counter-number, and a reference parameter must be passed by the calling
function. A return code will indicate if any errors occurred.
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