SERIAL Digital I/O Series User Manual Eagle Technology - Data Acquisition
Analog Outputs (DAC0-3)
The analog output channels are used to output analog voltages. They are referenced to
analog ground (AGND).
External Clock (EXT_CLK)
This pin is the external clock input. It is used to control the convert timing of the analog to
digital converter. This signal is synchronized with a master clock of 20MHz. The signal must
be referenced to digital ground (DGND), which is the connecter shell.
External Trigger (EXT_TRIG)
This signal is used as a control gate for the analog input scanning process. When selected by
software and set high it will enable the process. A low voltage will disable the process.
10 Volt Reference Calibration 10V_REFCAL)
This pin is used to measure the 10-volt reference for the analog circuit. It is only used during
calibration and should not be used externally. If used it can affect the performance of the
analog I/O.
WARNING: Do not connect to the
10Volt Reference Pin.
Application Modules & Accessories
The USB devices support a wide range of standard applications modules. These application
modules can help to simply or easily duplicate installation that can save allot of time.
Application modules and accessories come in many forms. It has support for digital output
control and digital input monitoring for AC and DC. Analog signal conditioners, analog
amplifiers and optically isolation are also available.
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