DES-3500 Layer 2 Fast Ethernet Switch CLI Reference Manual
config dhcp_relay option_60 default
Purpose Config dhcp_relay option_60 default relay servers.
config dhcp_relay option_60 default [relay <ipaddr> | mode
Description When there are no matching servers found for the packet based on option
60, the relay servers will be determined by the default relay server settings.
When there is no matches found for the packet, the relay servers will be
determined based on the default relay servers.
When drop is specified, the packet with no matching rules found will be
dropped without further process.
If the setting is no- drop, then the packet will be processed further based
on option 61. The final relay servers will be the union of option 60 default
relay servers and the relay servers determined by option 61.
ipaddress - The specified ipaadress for dhcp_relay forward.
Specify a relay server IP for the packet that has mathcing option 60 rules.
drop - Specify to drop the packet that has no matching option 60 rules.
relay - The packet will be relayed based on the relay rules.
Restrictions Only Administrator and Operator-level users can issue this command.
Example usage:
To config DHCP relay option 60 default:
DES-3526:admin# config dhcp_relay option_60
default drop
Command: config dhcp_relay option_60 default
config dhcp_relay option_60 delete
Purpose Used to delete dhcp_relay option_60 entry.
config dhcp_relay option_60 delete [ string <desc 64> {relay
<ipaddr>}| ipaddress < ipaddr >|all |default {< ipaddr>}]
Description This function is used to delete user specified entries.
When all is specified, all rules excluding the default rules are deleted.
string - delete all the entry whose string is equal to the string of specified if
ipaddress is not specified.
relay <ipaddr> - Delete one entry, whose string and IP address are equal
to the string and IP address specified by the user.
all - Delete all the entry. Default relay servers are excluded.
ipaddress - Delete all the entry whose ipaddress is equal to the specified
default - Delete all defaut relay ipaddress if ipaddress is not specified.
default<ipaddr> - Delete the default relay ipaddress that is specified by
Restrictions Only Administrator and Operator-level users can issue this command.
Example usage:
To config DHCP relay option 60 delete: