Cortex MetaLyzer II Laboratory
Mixing Chamber System
Stationary metabolic stress test system for routine exercise testing
applications using a dynamic mixing chamber system.
All systems are supplied with the latest version of Metasoft
which comes packed with features to enhance the analysis and
measurement functions.
Available with either standard or high flow volume transducer.
DVT 0.1 to 12 l/s
TripleV 0.05 to 20 l/s
Order codes
COR-210-01-996 MetaLyzer II Metabolic system with DVT
COR-210-01-995 MetaLyzer II Metabolic system with Triple V
Cortex MetaLyzer 3B Laboratory
Breath-by-Breath System
Powerful, fully equipped CPX system featuring true breath-by-
breath and intra-breath technology.
With automatic verification tests prior to each measurement, the
MetaLyzer is guaranteed to be working accurately at all times.
All MetaLyzers feature automatic control of most electronic
ergometers and treadmills as standard.
Dimensions 235 x 165 x 85mm
Weight 1660g
Order codes
COR-220-01-009 MetaLyzer 3B Metabolic system with DVT
COR-220-01-008 MetaLyzer 3B Metabolic system with Triple V
MetaLyzer Options
A variety of options are available for the MetaLyzer including
Spirometry, Pulse Oximetry, Motion tolerant NiBP, Nutritional
Assessment and Non-Invasive Cardiac Output.
The MetaLyzer can also be supplied with the latest SmartCart trolley,
fully set-up PC workstation package with dual screen monitors,
Automatic Gas Calibrator and a complete 12 lead ECG system.
Order codes
COR-720-09-016 Spirometry software module
COR-720-09-018 Nutritional assessment software module
COR-720-09-17 Non invasive cardiac output software module
COR-010-01-996 Automatic gas calibrator
COR-010-01-994 Calibration kit basic
COR-010-01-993 Calibration kit full
COR-720-09-017 Cortex zone trainer
COR-670-01-003 3 Channel monitoring ECG (ML3B)
COR-630-01-001 Treadmill connection cable 5m (Woodway)
COR-610-01-003 Ergometer connection cable 3m (Lode)