Harpenden Skinfold Caliper
The Harpenden Skinfold Caliper is one of the most up to date and
versatile calipers on the market. Used correctly it will give good
service and reliable results for many years.
Range 0 to 50mm Increments 0.2mm
Order code HSK-BI
Harpenden Condyle Caliper
Nickel plated caliper for making a variety of body measurements.
Supplied in vinyl carrying case.
Range 0 to 140mm Increments 1.0mm
Order code HCC-98.604
Harpenden Anthropometer
Constructed of a light anodised alloy, the Harpenden
Anthropometer is a counter recording instrument that can be
effortlessly operated from the tips of its branches. The operator
can, by means of their free fingertips, feel their way to the desired
measuring points in order to obtain a degree of accuracy not
possible with conventional anthropometers.
Range 50 – 570mm Accuracy 1.0mm
Comes complete with sturdy carry case.
Order code HAR-98.601
Harpenden Stadiometer
Harpenden Stadiometer with standard/VR high speed counter
is a counter recording instrument with an effortless counter
balanced movement. It is available with either a standard counter
or a high speed VR (Veeder-Root) counter.
Range 600 – 2100mm Accuracy 1.0mm
Order codes
HAR-98.602 Stadiometer with standard counter
HAR-98.602VR Stadiometer with VR high speed counter
Harpenden Portable Stadiometer
This instrument has been designed to give all the advantages of
the Harpenden Stadiometer in a portable form. It has the same
sensitive counter balanced movement and will give accurate and
direct readings.
Range 810 – 2060mm
Accuracy 1.0mm
Order codes
HAR-98.603 Stadiometer Portable
HAR-98-608 Stadiometer Pocket
Anatomical Tape
• Dual graduated in millimetres and inches
• Self retracting oil cloth tape measure
• Metal bodied
• 1.5m
Order code HOL-17.427.15
body measurement & composition
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