
16) "Delay OFF (***ms)"
Delay OFF (***ms) : Set the time for delayed start after the play start operation. (*OFF/100m/200m/300m)
17) "PIayLock ON (OFF)"
PIayLock ON : Inhibit all operations other than the PLAY/ PAUSE, TIME and PLAY MODE buttons during playback.
* PIayLock OFF : Enable all functions during playback.
18) "FR Disp ON (OFF)"
* FR Disp ON : Display the frames on the time display during playback.
FR Disp OFF : Do not display the frames on the time display during playback.
(The frames are displayed in the manual search, standby, pause and end monitor modes.)
19) "CD-R TOC (NO TOC)"
CD-R TOC . : Play normal CDR discs containing TOCs.
* CD-R NO TOC . : Play CDR discs not containing TOCs.
20) "CD-R SkipON (OFF)"
CD-R SkipON . : Play skip tracks on CDR discs.
* CD-R SkipOFF . : Do not play skip tracks on CDR discs.
21) "9600 (19200) bps"
* 9600 bps : Set the baud rate to 9600 bps.
19200 bps : Set the baud rate to 19200 bps.
22) "Switch ENA (INH)"
* Switch ENA : Enable operation of all the switches on the front panel.
Switch INH : Inhibit operation of all panel switches other than those used for presetting operations.
23) "Player ID (**1"
Player ID (**) : Set the player ID.
(The ID can be set to OFF or to 0 to 15. The initial setting is "OFF".)
24) "Remote EMA (INHI"
* Remote ENA : Enable input of control signals to the parallel remote connector.
Remote INH : Inhibit input of control signals to the parallel remote connector.
25) "St. Tally ON (OFF)"
* St. Tally ON : Output standby tally from parallel remote connector.
St. Tally OFF : Do not output standby tally from parallel remote connector.
26) "(******) Tally"
* INDEX2 Tally : Output index 2 tally signal to remote pin (17).
INDEX3 Tally : Output index 3 tally signal to remote pin (17).
27) "Fader Pause (Play)"
* Fader Pause : Start playback when remote fader pins (9-10) are short-circuited and pause when pins are open.
Fader Play : Start playback when remote fader pins (9-10) are short-circuited and continue playback when pins are open.
28) "Stereo (Mono)"
* Stereo : Output L and R stereo signals from the output connector.
Mono : Output mixed L and R signals from the output connector.
29) "Pos ON (OFF)"
Pos ON : Read Pos codes on CD and CDR discs.
* Pos OFF : Do not read Pos codes on CD and CDR discs.
30) "Preset Clr? (Init. Preset)"
Preset Clr? : Clear the presettings (set to the initial factory values).
* Init. Preset : Do not clear the presettings.
31) "Ver. xxxx" : Display the microprocessor version. ("xxxx" is a number.)