
The Routes Page
» Hiking–Select Automatic to continuously
recalculate from the current GPS location to the
next stop in the route. Select Prompt to alert you
when you are off track; you can then choose to
recalculate or ignore.
Note For trail routes sent to your device from Topo
North America or XMap, select Off so that the trail
route does not recalculate—if it recalculates, the
shape of the route is lost.
» Driving–Select Automatic to recalculate from the
threshold specied in the Back on Track Threshold
option. Select Prompt to alert you when you are off
track; you can then choose to recalculate or ignore.
Select Off if you do not want to use Back on Track.
Back on Track Threshold–For driving routes, sets
the distance threshold for initiating a back on track
calculation. Select a distance from the drop-down
list. A large value prevents excessive prompts,
while a small value recalculates as soon as you are
off the route.
Compass Navigation Arrow–In the event you go
off your route when navigating a hiking route, you can
choose to have the bearing arrow point to the next
waypoint in your route (best when trying to get to the
next waypoint by the shortest distance) or point back
to the route (best if you want to follow a specic path).
Select Direct to Next Waypoint or Back on Course
from the drop-down list.
Hiking Route Calc Speed–The walking speed that
the device uses to calculate a walking route. Press
ENTER and use the arrow keypad to make changes.
When you are nished editing, press ENTER.
To restore the default settings for all options, select
Restore Defaults.
Create a Route
From the Routes Page, you can create a route to one point
or to multiple points from your current GPS position or
another location. At any time when viewing a geocache,
waypoint, or a Find search result, you can create a route
to it using the Route option on its details page.
To create a route from the current position
Current Position is the default start point for a route; this
is the current GPS location or the map cursor location
when panning the map or viewing another location.
Once you create a route, you can navigate with it or
view it on the map.
1. On the Routes Page, select New.
2. To use the default route name—the last point you
add to your route—go to step 3.