Configuring IPv6 615
The IPv6 Route Entry Configuration page contains the following fields:
IPv6 Network Prefix/PrefixLength
— Enter a valid IPv6 Network Address and Prefix.
Next Hop IPv6 Address
— Enter an IPv6 Next Hop Address. If the Next Hop IPv6 Address specified is
a Link-local IPv6 Address, specify the Interface for the Link-local IPv6 Next Hop Address. Select
Global or Link-local from the drop-down menu to apply to this address.
— Enter a Preference Value for the given route. Valid values are 1 to 255, with the default as
Configuring IPv6 Route Entry
Open the
IPv6 Route Entry Configuration
Modify the fields as needed.
Apply Changes
The route entry is configured for IPv6, and the device is updated.
Configuring Route Entry the CLI Command
For information about the CLI commands that perform this function, see the following chapter in the
CLI Reference Guide
• IPv6 Routing Commands