Configuring Routing 507
DHCP Client Messages Hop Count Exceeded Max
— The number of DHCP client messages
received whose hop count is larger than the maximum allowed. The maximum hop count is a
configurable value.A log message is written for each such failure. The DHCP relay agent does not relay
these packets.
DHCP Pkts Rcvd Too Early
— The number of DHCP client messages received whose secs field is less
than the minimum value. The minimum secs value is a configurable value. A log message is written for
each such failure. The DHCP relay agent does not relay these packets.
Received DHCP Client Messages With Giaddr As Local Address
— The number of DHCP client
messages received whose gateway address, giaddr, is already set to an IP address configured on one of
the relay agents own IP addresses. In this case, another device is attempting to spoof the relay agents
address. The relay agent does not relay such packets. A log message gives details for each occurrence.
UDP Pkts With Expired TTL
— The number of packets received with TTL of 0 or 1 that might
otherwise have been relayed.
UDP Pkts Discarded
— The number of packets ignored by the relay agent because they match a
discard relay entry.
Routing Information Protocol (RIP) is an Interior Gateway Protocol (IGP) based on the Bellman-Ford
algorithm and targeted at smaller networks (network diameter no greater than 15 hops). The routing
information is propagated in RIP update packets that are sent out both periodically and in the event of a
network topology change. On receipt of a RIP update, depending on whether the specified route exists or
does not exist in the route table, the router may modify, delete or add the route to its route table. Route
preferences are conveyed through a configurable metric that indicates the distance for each destination.
The RIP menu page contains links to web pages that configure and display RIP parameters and data. To
display this page, click Routing > RIP in the tree view. Following are the web pages accessible from this
menu page:
• RIP Configuration
• RIP Interface Summary
• RIP Interface Configuration
• RIP Route Redistribution Configuration
• RIP Route Redistribution Summary