
Feature Name in VMware ESX, Red Hat Enterprise Linux,
and SUSE Linux Enterprise Server
DSM SA Shared Service
DSM SA Connection Service
DSM SM LSI Manager mptctl
Integrated Remote Access Controller (iDRAC) None
Remote Access Controller (DRAC 4) racsvc
Remote Access Controller (DRAC 5) None
What do the directories under srvadmin/linux/custom/<operating system>
The following table lists the names of the directories in the SYSMGMT/srvadmin/linux/custom/<operating
system> directory.
Table 9. Names of the Directories Under the srvadmin/linux/custom/<operating system> directory
Name of RPM Description Other Server Administrator
RPMs required
Server-Instrumentation — This is the core code for Server Administrator. It provides motherboard alerts
and contains the CLI that allows to monitor and control Server Administrator, for example, omconfig,
omdiag, and omreport. All peripheral packages, except the standalone DRAC support, require all or
most of the RPMs in this directory to be installed.
NOTE: You may need to install IPMI drivers for proper functionality.
srvadmin-cm Server Administrator Inventory
Collector — Systems
management change
management inventory collector.
srvadmin-omilcore, srvadmin-
deng, and srvadmin-omacore
srvadmin-deng Server Administrator Data Engine
— Systems management
provides a data management
framework for systems
management software.
srvadmin-hapi Server Administrator Hardware
Application Programming
Interface — This systems
management package provides
the device drivers and libraries
needed by systems management
software to access information
about the hardware on supported
srvadmin-isvc Server Administrator
Instrumentation Service — Server
Administrator provides a suite of
systems management
srvadmin-omilcore, srvadmin-
deng, and srvadmin-hapi