Save Enclosure Log Data
This command saves the enclosure log sense data to a file. Log sense data is maintained by the
environmental cards for each enclosure. Not all of the environmental cards contain log sense data.
save allEnclosures logFile="filename"
Parameter Description
Name of the file to which to save the log sense
data. You must put quotation marks (" ") around the
file name.
Save Input Output RAID Controller Module (IOC) Dump
This command saves the IOC dumps from the RAID controller modules in a storage array to a file on a
save IOCLog [file="filename"]
Parameter Description
file The file path and the file name to which you save
the IOC dump. Enclose the file name in double
quotation marks (" "). For example:
file="C:\Array Backups\IOCcoredump1.7z"
This command saves the data to a compressed file
and adds the file extension .7z to the saved file.
The default name of the file that contains the IOC-
related data for RAID controller modules in the
storage array uses the WWN of the storage array.