set the enclosureLossProtect parameter to FALSE, the storage array performs operations, but the
disk group that you create might not have enclosure loss protection.
When the RAID controller module firmware assigns the physical disks, if you set the
enclosureLossProtect parameter to TRUE, the storage array returns an error if the RAID controller
module firmware cannot provide physical disks that result in the new disk group having enclosure loss
protection. If you set the
enclosureLossProtect parameter to FALSE, the storage array performs the
operation even if it means that the disk group might not have enclosure loss protection.
The drawerLossProtect parameter defines if data on a virtual disk is accessible if a drawer fails. When
you assign the physical disks, if you set the
drawerLossProtect parameter to TRUE and select more
than one physical disk from any one drawer, the storage array returns an error. If you set the
drawerLossProtect parameter to FALSE, the storage array performs operations, but the disk group
that you create might not have drawer loss protection.
You must set the enclosureLossProtect parameter and the drawerLossProtect parameter to the
same value. Both of the parameters must be either
TRUE or FALSE. If the enclosureLossProtect
parameter and the drawerLossProtect parameter is set to different values, the storage array returns an
Activate Storage Array Firmware
This command activates firmware previously downloaded to the pending configuration area in the RAID
controller modules in the storage array.
activate storageArray firmware
Add Member To Consistency Group
This command adds a new base virtual disk as a member to a an existing consistency group. You can
specify an existing repository virtual disk for the new consistency group member, or create a new
repository virtual disk. When you create a new repository virtual disk, you identify an existing disk group
or an existing disk pool where you want the repository virtual disk.
Syntax For Use With An Existing Repository Virtual Disk
set consistencyGroup ["consistencyGroupName"]