Connecting Cylinder to Beam
The log splitter is shipped with the beam in a vertical position.
Pull out the vertical beam lock, rotate it back, and pivot the 1.
beam to the horizontal position until it locks. See Fig. 3-3.
Disconnect the dislodger from the beam weld bracket by 2.
removing the six hex screws. See Fig. 3-4.
Disconnect the log cradle from the beam on the side of the 3.
control valve. See Fig. 3-5.
Lift and slide the cylinder up to the top of beam and into the 4.
weld brackets. See Fig. 3-6.
Attach the dislodger over the wedge assembly and secure 5.
it with the previously removed hardware to the weld
NOTE: Once the six hex screws are tightened, there may be
a slight gap between the dislodger and the weld brackets.
This gap is normal.
Reattach the log cradle to the side of the beam with the 6.
control valve, aligning the ends of the cradle with the beam
Roll the log splitter off the bottom crate. 7.
Hex Screws
Hex Screws
8 se c t i O n 2— as s e M b l y & se t-up