Stand in front of the log splitter to operate the control c.
handle and to stabilize the log. See Fig. 5-2.
To place the beam in the Horizontal Position proceed as 4.
Pull the vertical beam lock out and rotate it down. a.
Pivot the beam to the horizontal position.
The horizontal beam lock is self-locking. The spring b.
loaded lock will snap into place when the beam is
lowered into position. See Fig. 5-3.
Stand behind the reservoir tank to operate the control c.
handle and to stabilize the log.
Block the front and back of both wheels.4.
Place the log against the end plate and only split the wood 5.
in the direction of the grain.
To stabilize the log, place your hand only on the sides of 6.
the log.
Never place a hand on the end
between the log and the splitting wedge.
Only one adult should stabilize the log and operate the 7.
control handle, so the operator has full control over the log
and the splitting wedge.
Move the control handle FORWARD or DOWN to split the 8.
Release the control handle to stop the wedge movement.9.
Move the control handle BACK or UP to return the wedge.10.
To remove partially split wood from wedge, move the 11.
control handle to the REVERSE position until the wedge is
fully retracted to allow split wood portion to contact the
log dislodger.
Never remove partially split wood from
the wedge with your hands. Fingers may become
trapped between the split wood.
Once removed from the wedge with the log dislodger, split 12.
the wood from the opposite end or in another location.
Transporting the Log Splitter
NOTE: Always turn the fuel valve to the OFF position before
transporting the log splitter.
Lower the beam to its horizontal position. Make certain the 1.
beam is locked securely with the horizontal beam lock.
Raise the adjustable jack stand by turning the crank 2.
clockwise. See Fig. 5-4.
12 se c t i O n 5— Op e r a t i O n