Using the Performance Mode
Arpeggio key range high. Specifies the high keyboard range where the arpeggio function is
enabled. This setting is used in combination with the Arpeggio Key Range Lo setting to configure
the keyboard range where the arpeggio function is enabled.
C-1 to G9
Arp Hold Arpeggio hold on/off. Enables/disables arpeggio hold (page E-40). Off, On
Arp Synchro Arpeggio synchronization. Switches the arpeggio sync setting (page E-40). Off, On, S/S
Key Play Phrase key play. Turns Phrase Sequencer Phrase key play on or off. Off, On
Phrase Phrase number. Selects the phrase of the Phrase Sequencer (page E-44).
Preset00 to
Phrase key range low. Specifies the low keyboard range where Phrase Sequencer key play is
effective (page E-45). This setting is used in combination with the Phrase Key Range Hi setting to
specify the keyboard range where key play is enabled.
C-1 to G9
Phrase key range high. Specifies the effective high keyboard range where Phrase Sequencer key
play is effective (page E-45). This setting is used in combination with the Phrase Key Range Lo
setting to specify the keyboard range where key play is enabled.
C-1 to G9
Effect >Ent
Effect parameter. This group includes effect settings (page E-38). For details about group items,
see “Effect Settings” (page E-38).
MIDI parameters. This group includes MIDI parameter (page E-70) settings. Use the
minus (–), plus (+) buttons to select one of the Synthesizer’s 16 sound source parts for editing.
Ext Out Ch
External Out Channel. Specifies the MIDI send channel for sending information about each part
to an external destination.
1 to 16
Ext In Ch External in channel. This is the MIDI message channel received by each part. Off, 1 to 16
Gen Out
Internal send on/off. Specifies whether or not the information of each part is sent to the
Synthesizer’s sound source.
Off, On
MIDI output on/off. Specifies whether or not MIDI send of the information of each part is
performed from
Off, On
USB output on/off. Specifies whether or not MIDI send of the information of each part is
performed from
Off, On
Display Description Settings