Editing a Tone
Pitch Pitch. The editable parameters in this group affect the pitch of notes.
Detune Detune. Causes the tuning of Layers 1 through 6 to be slightly different
from each other. A larger setting value increases the amount of detuning.
The maximum value (31) results in a difference of 100 cents (semitones)
between Layer 1 and Layer 6.
0 to 31
Pitch Lock Layer 1&2
Pitch Lock Layer 3&4
Pitch Lock Layer 5&6
Pitch lock. When this setting is turned on for Layers 1 and 2, the Layer 2
pitch is changed to the same pitch as Layer 1 so both pitches are the same.
The same is true for Layers 3 and 4, and Layers 5 and 6.
Off, On
Stretch Tune For details, see the melody tone “Stretch Tune” (page EN-25).
Effect Common effect. This is a group of editable effect function parameters. For
details, see the melody tone “Effect” (page EN-26).
• For details about the setting items below, see the melody tone “Effect”
(page EN-26).
Chorus Send, Delay Send, Reverb Send
LFO Low Frequency Oscillator. This is a group of editable LFO parameters
applied to the pitch of a layered tone. For details, see the melody tone
“LFO” (page EN-27).
• For details about the setting items below, see the melody tone “LFO”
(page EN-27). You can input a value in the range from 0 to 127.
Pitch Rate, Pitch Delay, Pitch Rise, Pitch Mod.Depth, Filter Amp Rate,
Filter Delay, Filter Rise, Filter Mod.Depth, Amp Delay, Amp Rise,
Amp Mod.Depth
• For details about the setting items below, see the melody tone “LFO”
(page EN-27). The setting range of each “Depth” is –128 to 0 to +127.
Pitch Wave, FilterAmpWave, Pitch Depth, Filter Depth, Amp Depth
Portamento Portamento. This is a group of editable portamento parameters.
• For details about the setting items below, see the melody tone
“Portamento” (page EN-27).
Portamento On/Off, Portamento Time
Pan Pan. This is a group of editable parameters associated with pan (sound
stereo position) operation. For details, see the melody tone “Pan” (page
• For details about the setting items below, see the melody tone “Pan”
(page EN-27).
Dynamic Panning, Pan Position
Display Name Description Settings
Detune = 31
Detune = 0
Layer2 Layer3Layer1
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