Editing a Tone
LFO Low Frequency Oscillator. This is a group of editable LFO parameters
applied to pitch, filter, and amp.
Pitch Wave
Wave type. Specifies one of the following wave types to be used for LFO.
FilterAmpWave is shared by filter and amp.
Refer to the cell to the left.
Pitch Rate
Rate. LFO speed (frequency). FilterAmpRate is shared by filter and amp. –64 to 0 to +63
Pitch Depth
Filter Depth
Amp Depth
Depth. Specifies how LFO is applied. –64 to 0 to +63
Pitch Delay
Filter Delay
Amp Delay
Delay. Specifies the degree of delay in the timing for applying LFO. –64 to 0 to +63
Pitch Rise
Filter Rise
Amp Rise
Rise. Specifies the time it takes from the start of application of the LFO
until the effect reaches the level specified by Depth, above.
–64 to 0 to +63
Pitch Mod.Depth
Filter Mod.Depth
Amp Mod.Depth
Modulation depth. Specifies how modulation is applied to the LFO. –64 to 0 to +63
Portamento Portamento. This is a group of editable portamento parameters.
Portamento On/Off Portamento On/Off. Select “On” for a smooth glide from one tone to the
next, or “Off” when a smooth glide is not required.
Off, On
Portamento Time Time. Specify the length of time for the tone change. 0 to 127
Pan Pan. This is a group of editable parameters associated with pan (sound
stereo position) operation.
Dynamic Panning Dynamic panning. To reflect changes in part panning in the sound being
produced, select “On” for this setting. Select “Off” if you do not want
changes reflected.
Off, On
Pan Position Panning position. Select “PreDSP” to apply panning before the DSP, or
“PostDSP” to apply panning after the DSP.
Display Text Description Settings
(sine wave)
Puls 1:3
(square wave 1:3)
(triangle wave)
Puls 2:2
(square wave 2:2)
Saw up
(sawtooth up
Puls 3:1
(square wave 3:1)
Saw down
(sawtooth down
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