Table 9-1 (continued). Error Codes.
SRC Description Possible Causes(s)
0057 Since the startup of the Controller a. The display stations’s remote
(at least 30 seconds ago), no valid controller has not been varied
SDLC frame has been received for on, but one or more other
this display station’s remote remote controllers configured
controller. on the Controller are still
varied on.
b. The SDLC address configured
for the display station’s remote
controller doesn’t match the
address configured on the host.
c. The display station’s remote
controller has not been
configured on the host at all.
0058 It has been at least 30 seconds The display station’s remote
since any valid SDLC frame has controller has been varied off, but
been received for the display one or more emulated remote
station’s remote controller. controllers in the same Controller
However, frames addressed to this are still varied on.
remote controller were received
This error normally shows up only
on multi-card Controllers because
it implies that other frames are
still being received for other
remote controller addresses;
otherwise, error code 0056 would
be displayed, indicating no frames
are being received for any address.