
emulator card: A card that is installed into a PC, which enables the PC and PC
printer to emulate host devices while allowing access to PC applications.
expanded memory: When storage of the RAM on the board makes the size of the
computer larger than it actually is.
extended memory: Memory that has been added to allow programs greater than
640K of RAM to run on a computer.
FGID (Font Global Identifier): Font identifier used by IBM to standardize typestyle
numbers used globally.
field attributes: Control characters stored in the character buffer in the first
character position of a field.
field: An undefined area that contains a certain type of data.
file extension: A three-letter suffix, used to describe a file’s contents, appended to
a DOS file name.
file transfer: A process used to transfer a file from one storage location to another.
font: (1) A collection of characters of a given typeface and (sometimes) size. (2)
Used generically to mean the collection of coded fonts, font-character sets, and
code pages. (3) A font file that contains characters that must be used in
conjunction with a code-page file.
form feed: The advancing of a form in the printer to the top of the next page by a
code sent to the printer from the computer.
hex, hexadecimal: A number system with a base of sixteen, using the “digits” 0
through 9 and A through F.
hex transparency: See command pass-through.
host: The central controlling processing unit in a twinax environment.
hot key, hotkey: A particular key or key combination that accesses a menu
HP mode: Third-party printer, if compatible, will receive HP LaserJet commands.
IBM mode: Same as HP, but will receive IBM LaserJet commands.