
Chapter 2 - Installation and Connection
Chapter 2 covers the procedure for connecting the Series II Modem to
your computer and to the phone line. Details are given, supported by
illustrations on the Modem's back panel connections as a guide to
install your Modem to the point of operation.
Chapter 3 - Software Configuration
Chapter 3 documents communication software configuration
recommended specifically for the Series II Modem. There is also some
discussion of how to identify the limitations and capabilities of your
computer before the software installation process is done. Other issues
covered include setting up initialization strings, changing default
parameters, configuring software for the remote system and file
transfer protocols.
Chapter 4 - Manual Dial and Automatic Answer
This chapter covers some modem operations, but delays discussion on
Command Mode operation until Chapter 5. Automatic Leased Line
Restoration, Dial backup, Manual Dial Mode, and Answer Mode opera-
tion are covered in detail, as well as the handshaking procedures
employed between two modems in an auto-answer application.
Chapter 5 - AT Command Mode Operation
This may be the most important chapter of this manual. It begins with
an introduction and discussion on Command Mode fundamentals. A
flow chart is provided to illustrate Command Mode and On-Line Mode
operation and the methods used in each mode. Next, there is a
summary of the modem’s commands and responses. We then go into
a detailed explanation of each Series II Modem command, providing
examples where applicable.
Chapter 6 - S-Registers
Chapter 6 covers the Series II Modem's S-Registers, which enable the
user to establish, read, and modify various modem options. All of the
S-Registers are charted and explained, followed by instructions on
accessing the S-Registers and reading or changing their values.