
CHAPTER1: Specifications
Chap 5: Command Modeter
5.4.5 Command Response (Result Code)
Echo Command Mode Characters E
If the Series II Modem is connected to a full-duplex computer, it may
be necessary for the modem to be configured to echo back characters
entered while in the Command Mode in order for them to be displayed.
The E command is used to configure the Command Mode echo, with
ATE0 disabling the echo and ATE1 enabling the echo (default).
Result Codes Enable/Disable and No Response Answer Q
The Q command enables or disables Result Codes and the No Response
Answer mode of operation. Result Codes may be disabled altogether in
certain applications, such as computer-controlled auto dialing, using
the Q command. ATQ1 disables Result Code transmissions. ATQ0 (or
ATQ) enables Result Code transmission.
Regarding No Response Answer, you may want the answer mode
handled without responses and echo turned off, but want the originate
mode still intelligent. This is called the No Response Answer mode.
ATQ2 selects the No Response Answer mode. If you do not select any
mode, the factory default setting (enable Result Codes) is automatically
Result Codes ("Series II" or "Standard AT") &Q
The Series II Modem gives you a choice between the Series II Result
Codes, and Result Codes that more closely match the standard AT
command set responses (see section 5.3).
AT&Q1 selects AT responses with no Reliable/Compression
modifiers. With this command, the terse result code for CONNECT 2400
is 10.
AT&Q0 selects Series II responses with Reliable/Compression
modifiers. With this command, the terse result code for CONNECT 2400
is 9.