Chapter 3: Installation
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3.4.2 Control by RS-232 serial
Where the external control is via RS-232 signal, ensure that the configuration menu option is set to or to enable RS-232
control. Serial port parameter settings
Ensure that the chosen serial port is configured to the following:
• Baud rate: To match setting of option in the Configuration menu
• Data bits: 8
• Stop bit: 1
• Parity: None Serial port channel selection codes
Character Hex Decimal
• Channel 1: ‘1’ 0x31 49
• Channel 2: ‘2’ 0x32 50
• Channel 3: ‘3’ 0x33 51
• Channel 4: ‘4’ 0x34 52
Note: As each channel is chosen using the above RS-232 commands, the peripherals that will be transferred are determined by
the current setting of the switching mode. Control by channel select input lines
Where the external control is via the four channel select input lines of the OPTIONS port (see pin out), ensure that the configura-
tion menu option is set to to enable the input lines.
The four input lines are suitable for connection to dry contacts or open collector style outputs. Connecting an input line to GND
will cause the Wizard DP USB unit to switch all of its functions to the selected channel:
• Channel 1: Channel select input 1 low
• Channel 2: Channel select input 2 low
• Channel 3: Channel select input 3 low
• Channel 4: Channel select input 4 low
If the input line is held low then all other switching requests by other means will be ignored until the line returns to a high (open)
If more than one logic input is low (closed) then the lower channel number takes priority.
Note: The input lines have only limited protection against over voltage.