CHAPTER 9: Using the On-Screen Display (UICD Consoles Only)
To switch to a channel normally, simply highlight that channel and press [Enter].
To switch to a channel in Privacy Mode (see Section 8.10), highlight that channel and press [Alt] and [Enter]
at the same time.
To sort the channel list by name, press the [+] key on the keypad of the shared keyboard while the Channel-List
Menu is on screen. To sort the list by address, press the keypad’s [–] key. (The [+] and [–] keys on the top row
of the keyboard will not be recognized.) The “<” and “>” symbols will bracket the Menu’s “Name” or “Address”
heading to show which of the two characteristics the list is currently sorted on.
You can also search the channel list. These searches will be based on sort order: If the list is currently sorted
by Name, you can search the names, or if the list is currently sorted by Address, you can search the addresses.
To perform a search, bring up the Channel-List Menu and sort the entries as desired. Next type the first letter
or number of the name or address you want to search for, then the second, and so on. For example, if the list
were sorted by name, typing “M” would move the cursor to the names that begin with the letter “M”;
proceeding to type an “A” would move the cursor to the names that begin with “MA”; and you could continue
adding characters until you reached your desired entry.
Table 9-1. Keypress-driven options available to all users at the Channel-List Menu.
Press This Key
Sequence... ...To Do This
[F1] Get context-sensitive help.
[F10] Log out of the ServSwitch Multi system. The user-login screen will appear; you must log
back in to the system to continue operation.
[F11] See more options.
[Enter] Switch to the highlighted channel.
[Alt] + [Enter] Switch to the highlighted channel in privacy mode. For more information on privacy mode,
refer to Section 8.10.
[Alt] + [Tab] Cycle through the available menus.
The administrator can access the User-List Menu by pressing [Ctrl] twice, then [Alt] + [Tab]. This menu
displays the names, timeouts (in minutes), and password statuses of all system users. (The timeout is the
number of minutes a station can remain inactive before the user is automatically logged out of the ServSwitch
Multi system.)
This menu only appears if you are the system administrator. For descriptions of the options available in this
menu, see Section 9.3.2.