Express Ethernet Switch
? Uplink button
? Optional fiber module for LB9017A-R2
Refer to the following Special Features section for installation instructions.
Special features for LB9017A-R2
LB9017A-R2 houses a console port that enables connection to establish a VLAN (virtual
local area network), port aggregation, the setting of half or full-duplex transmission, and the
setting of 10Mbps or 100Mbps for TX transmission.
For these features to operate through the console port, it is necessary to first configure in
DOS or a terminal emulation program such as HyperTerminal.
Setting up Console Port Connection
To configure these features through the console port, it is necessary to first configure a
terminal emulation program in DOS or in Windows such as HyperTerminal.
?? Check the switch, cables, and computers for proper installation before
?? Attach a PC or any VT100 compatible terminal to the console port on the back of
the switch (see figure 6) using the following settings:
Terminal type VT100
Port type (COM 1~4)
Communication Mode 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity and 9600bps (for initial configuration)
Flow Control None
Figure 3: Console Port