
Automatic Timeout
The COS II times the intervals between the
reception of each character and the next. You may
instruct it to return to an unlinked state after
intervals of 2.5, 5, or 10 minutes, or you may disable
this automatic timeout feature. SWF 5 and SWF 6
control this feature.
control lead (DTR or CTS) will be dropped to
prevent data loss.
If you select Normal Operation, DTR (Pin 20) and
CTS (Pin 5) are used strictly for buffer control.
They are not passed straight through the Switch.
DCD-to-RTS Pass-Through Mode
CHAPTER 3: Installation
Graphics Pause
These switch settings are followed only when the
COS II has been set previously for Graphics Mode
(for an explanation, see Section 4.5). They
determine the amount of time that must pass
before the COS II recognizes a control code
By providing for this pause, it is possible to send
graphics files through the unit with no risk that it
will switch accidentally when it encounters a control
code sequence, or its binary equivalent. SWF 7 and
SWF 8 determine the length of the pause.
CTS-to-DTR Pass-Through Mode
If you select DCD-to-RTS Pass-Through, DCD
(Pin 8) and RTS (Pin 4) are passed straight through
the Switch. The next table shows how the DTE or
DCE setting of the port affects the pass-through
If you select Normal Operation, DCD and RTS are
If you choose CTS-to-DTR Pass-Through, CTS
(Pin 5) and DTR (Pin 20) are passed straight
through the Switch. The next table shows how the
DTE or DCE setting of the port affects the pass-
through option:
NOTE: If the internal buffer fills, the appropriate
To Set This Mode Set SWC 8
CTS-to-DTR Pass-Through ON
Normal Operation OFF
To Set This Mode Set SWF 3
DCD-to-RTS Pass-Through ON
Normal Operation OFF
Master Slave Leads Passed
DTE DTE Master CTS to slave DTR
Slave CTS to master DTR
DTE DCE Master CTS to slave CTS
Slave DTR to master DTR
DCE DTE Master DTR to slave DTR
Slave CTS to master CTS
DCE DCE Master DTR to slave CTS
Slave DTR to master CTS
To Set A Pause of 7 8
50 milliseconds ON ON
100 milliseconds OFF ON
500 milliseconds ON OFF
1.5 seconds OFF OFF
Set SWF-
Timeout Setting 5 6
2.5 minutes ON ON
5 minutes OFF ON
10 minutes ON OFF
Disabled OFF OFF
Master Slave Leads Passed
DTE DTE Master DCD to slave RTS
Slave DCD to master RTS
DTE DCE Master DCD to slave DCD
Slave RTS to master RTS
DCE DTE Master RTS to slave RTS
Slave DCD to master DCD
DCE DCE Master RTS to slave DCD
Slave RTS to master DCD
always asserted. They are not passed through the