Hardware Options
E-10 Modem 3600
\J page 6-
S72 Disable slaved DTE/DCE speed
(constant speed DTE on)
\J1 S72 Enable slaved DTE/DCE speed
(constant speed DTE off)
\J2 -- Enable 230.4 kbps DTE speed
\J3 -- Disable 230.4 kbps DTE speed
The 230.4 kbps DTE speed is available, but the DTE will not
autobaud to 230.4 kbps. With the modem set for 115.2 kbps,
enter AT\J2 to enable the speed, and reset the DTE for 230.4
kbps. When the modem is set for 230.4 kbps, enter AT\J3 to
disable it if needed. Reset the DTE for 115.2 kbps.
\Kn page 6-
S59 Selects action when encountering a
\K S59 Break option 0
\K1 S59 Break option 1
\K2 S59 Break option 2
\K3 S59 Break option 3
\K4 S59 Break option 4
\K5 S59 Break option 5
\M page 6-
S70 V.42 fast detect data sequence disabled
\M1 S70 V.42 fast detect data sequence enabled
\N page 6-
S70 Normal mode
\N1 S70 Direct mode
\N2 page 6-
S70 MNP only
\N3 S70 MNP or normal
\N4 S70 LAPM only
\N5 S70 LAPM with normal fallback
\N6 S70 LAPM with MNP fallback
\N7 S70 LAPM with MNP and normal fallback
Command Page S-Reg Description
cannot be executed from remote configuration mode