AT Commands
5-44 Modem 3600
Remote Configuration DTE Speed *RB
This option forces DTE speed to a particular setting, if desired.
Remote Configuration Format *RF
Set word length, parity, and stops for remote configuration.
Command Operation
*RB Remote configuration DTE speed = 300 bps
*RB1 Remote configuration DTE speed = 600 bps
*RB2 Remote configuration DTE speed = 1200 bps
*RB3 Remote configuration DTE speed = 2400 bps
*RB4 Remote configuration DTE speed = 4800 bps
*RB5 Remote configuration DTE speed = 7200 bps
*RB6 Remote configuration DTE speed = 9600 bps
*RB7 Remote configuration DTE speed = 12000 bps
*RB8 Remote configuration DTE speed = 14400 bps
*RB9 Remote configuration DTE speed = 16800 bps
*RB10 Remote configuration DTE speed = 19200 bps
*RB11 Remote configuration DTE speed = 21600 bps
*RB12 Remote configuration DTE speed = 24000 bps
*RB13 Remote configuration DTE speed = 26400 bps
*RB14 Remote configuration DTE speed = 28800 bps
*RB15 Remote configuration DTE speed = 28400 bps
*RB16 Remote configuration DTE speed = 57600 bps
*RB17 Remote configuration DTE speed = 115200 bps
Command Operation
*RF 7 data bits, mark parity, 1 stop bit
*RF1 7 data bits, no parity, 2 stop bits
*RF2 7 data bits, odd parity, 1 stop bit
*RF3 7 data bits, even parity, 1 stop bit
*RF4 8 data bits, mark parity, 1 stop bit
*RF5 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit
*RF6 8 data bits, odd parity, 1 stop bit
*RF7 8 data bits, even parity, 1 stop bit