Embroidery Module/Machine
of America, Inc. Permission to copy granted only to Authorized BERNINA
myartista Portal
(artista 730E only)
artista 730E
With the artista turned off, connect the artista 730 Dial-Up Modem
(optional accessory) to a dial-up phone line and to the artista 730E.
Access a Dial-Up Internet Service Provider:
- select Setup and touch Portal provider settings
- touch the red circle to select an empty provider slot
- touch the bar next to the check mark
- touch the provider bar and key in the provider's name; touch OK
- touch gray Number bar; touch yellow Number bar to erase line
- enter the phone number used to access the provider; touch OK
- touch gray User Name bar; touch yellow User Name bar to remove line
- enter your user name; touch OK
- touch gray Password bar; touch yellow Password bar to remove *****
- enter your password; touch OK
Note: Passwords are case sensitive. Use upper and lower case
lettering where needed.
- touch ESC to exit Setup
Select the Portal icon. This message appears: A modem connection
is required. Do you want to connect to: _________ Touch Yes.
A Connecting... message appears at lower edge of the touch screen.
When The modem is connected successfully to: _________
appears, touch OK.
Select Large Oval from the available choices.
This message appears: A modem connection is active. Do you want to
disconnect? Touch No.
Select the Save icon. Select the Untitled design; enter a name for the
design, which you will stitch out later.
The artista 730 will again ask if you want to disconnect. Touch No.
Return to the Portal icon to retrieve additional designs. When finished,
disconnect at prompt. Unplug cable from artista 730.
Retrieve one of the Portal designs from your My Designs folder.
Embroider and trim sample, then mount on the following page.
Note: To access broadband (high speed) Internet, download and follow
Ethernet LAN Card Instructions from www.berninausa.com > my
artista > artista Technical.
myartista Portal
A special Internet gateway
available only to artista 730
owners, accessible via the
optional artista 730 Dial-Up
Modem and BERNINA®
Ethernet LAN Card.
From any sewing screen
touch Portal to access:
News Flashes: Advance
notice of upcoming products
and events of interest to
artista 730 owners.
Stitch Memos: Informative
articles to help artista 730
owners maximize the use of
unique artista 730 features.
Foot Notes: Details on the
use of various presser feet
and accessories for you
artista 730E sewing and
embroidery projects.
Embroidery Designs:
Select the portal from
an Embroidery Menu to
download .ART designs.
Designs on the myartista
Portal are selected from
and are updated monthly.