Embroidery Module/Machine
of America, Inc. Permission to copy granted only to Authorized BERNINA
Proportional Resizing/Rescaling & Rotation
artista 630E & 640E
Select motif; it opens in Edit 1.
Select Large Oval hoop. Select
Add Motif and reselect design.
There are now 2 copies on
screen; the one in color is active.
Go to Edit 2. Touch Rescale Motif
Proportionally icon; decrease size
of active motif to 70%. Touch Move
Motif; move toward top of hoop.
Touch Retrieve until only larger
motif is active. Touch Move Motif;
rotate counterclockwise until
symbol reads -32º. Note: Items
can be rotated 1º at a time or in
90º increments.
Retrieve only smaller motif; rotate
clockwise to 16º. Using Move Motif;
move designs to a pleasing central
arrangement. Touch OK.
Embroider. Trim & mount sample.
Embroidery Motif
deco 330
#15 - butterfly
aurora 430E & 440QEE
My Designs > flower.art
artista 630E & 640E
#1 - butterfly
artista 730E
#2 - butterfly
Fabric & Stabilizer
8” x 10” rectangle
deco 330
deco 330 designs can be resized in
increments of 10%, from 90-120%.
Select indicated motif. Select
Editing tab. Select Resize key.
Touch the minus (-) key one time.
Touch OK. Touch Rotate 45º one
time. Use the positioning arrows or
the touch screen to move design
up and to the right.
Select Pattern selection tab.
Select the motif again. Move to
lower left. Touch Resize key. Touch
the plus (+) key two times. Touch
OK; touch OK.
Embroider. Press the carriage
return key after finishing the last
section to return the carriage to
the stored position.
Trim and mount the sample.
aurora 430E & 440QEE
Select motif. Select Edit > Dupli-
cate. There are now 2 embroidery
motifs on screen. While selected,
click & drag duplicate to the right.
Note: When designs are pasted,
duplicates are placed in location
from which they were copied.
Click and drag a black corner
sizing handle toward center of
motif. This proportionally scales
down the motif.
Left click on selected motif; the
corner handles open (turn clear).
Click and drag one corner rotation
handle to rotate design freely.
Position motifs in a pleasing
Save As proportional rescaling
and rotation exercise.
Stitch, trim, and mount sample.
artista 730E
Select indicated motif; it opens in
Edit 1. Select Large Oval Hoop.
Select Duplicate Motif symbol; there
are now 2 copies of motif on screen
(color motif is active).
Go to Edit 2. Touch Rescale Motif
Proportionally; decrease active motif
size to 70%. Touch Move Motif; move
motif toward top of hoop.
Touch Retrieve until only large motif
is active. Touch Move Motif; move
large motif toward bottom of hoop.
Select Rotate. Rotation can be done
1° at a time or in 90° increments.
Rotate large motif CCW to -32°.
Retrieve smaller motif; rotate CW to
+16°. Using Move Motif option, create
a pleasing arrangment; touch OK.
Choose the Recalculation option.
When processing is complete,
embroider. Trim and mount the