Microplate Luminometer Raw Data
[Comment] tab
The comment entered here appears, after the protocol has been
saved, in the Protocol Manager next to the measurement proto-
col list when the respective measurement protocol is selected.
The following buttons appear on all tabs of the entire measure-
ment protocol:
<Save As...> is selected to define a new file name. This is
necessary in order to create a new measure-
ment protocol, or to save an existing measure-
ment protocol under a new name. Clicking on
this button opens the [Save As...] dialog box.
Enter a file name which differs by at least one
character from the file name of the selected
protocol type. As soon as the protocol has been
saved, the program returns to the Protocol Man-
ager and shows the name of the new meas-
urement protocols in the field [Runable proto-
<Save>Saves the parameters in the existing measure-
ment protocol file. After you have saved the pro-
tocol, the program returns to the
Protocol Manager.
Figure 5-6:
Input field for a
comment on the