Microplate Luminometer Raw Data
[Timing] tab (without injectors)
[Measurement duration]: Enter the measurement time per well.
The default value is 1 second.
[Timing] tab (with injectors)
Except for the measurement time, you enter the parameters for
the individual injections here:
When using one injector:
Select injector (inj. 1 or inj. 2) by clicking on the respective box.
You can then enter the injector parameters.
Please note: Injector 1 injects into the well before the meas-
urement position, injector 2 in the measurement position.
[Volume]: Enter the injection volume in µl (via keyboard or by
clicking on the arrow buttons).
[Injection 1 to measurement delay]: Enter the delay time be-
tween the injection of injector 1 and the start of the measure-
ment in seconds. The hardware-dependent minimum value of
2.05 seconds is defaulted and can be increased.
Or: [Injection 2 to measurement delay]: Enter the delay time be-
tween the injection of injector 2 and the start of the measure-
ment in seconds. The minimum value of 0 seconds is defaulted
and can be increased.
Figure 5-2:
[Timing] tab. Selec-
tion of injector 1
Injector 1 Injector 2