Syntax: help set ip
IP LPD/TCP Parameters
Access [EN/DIS] aa.bb.cc.dd {Mask ee.ff.gg.hh}
ADdress aa.bb.cc.dd IP node address
ARP [EN/DIS] IP set via ARP
BAnner [EN/DIS] LPD banner printing
CHKSUM [EN/DIS] IP receive checksum
BOot n Number of DHCP/BOOTP tries
ECHO [EN/DIS] TCP echo protocol
ENable/DISable Enable or Disable IP Processing
FTIme [EN/DIS] Timeout in seconds if enabled
FTP [EN/DIS] FTP protocol
HTTP [EN/DIS] HTTP protocol
KEepalive n Keepalive interval (min)
LPD [EN/DIS] LPD protocol
MEthod <type> Set method of getting IP address
PIng aa.bb.cc.dd Test connection to IP host
PRObe [EN/DIS] TCP connection probes
RANge [EN/ALL] aa.bb.cc.dd [MAx ee.ff.gg.hh]
RARp flags nn 1=no subnet, 2=no router, 3=neither
REtry [EN/DIS] LPD retry continuation
ROuter aa.bb.cc.dd Default router address
SUbnet aa.bb.cc.dd Subnet mask
STELnet [EN/DIS] S-TELNET protocol
TCP [EN/DIS] Raw TCP (9100) protocol
TELnet [EN/DIS] TELNET protocol
TFTP [EN/DIS] TFTP protocol
TImeout n Inactivity timeout
TRAP n [ADDR/PORT/TRIG] TRAP configuration
WIndow nn LPD/TCP maximum window size
Displays a list of the available help commands for “Set IP.”
General Commands
From the list of commands, the brackets - [] indicate to pick one of the options listed.
Removes a specified parameter or configuration item.
CLear FATal
Deletes fatal error log.
CLear POrt <portname> JOB
Clears current entry in the print server's internal queue for the specified portname (P1 for the first
parallel port).
Sets the update password to “null.”
CLear SERVEr STRing n
Removes BOT/EOT string.
Exits console mode.
Displays the list of available commands.
Saves settings and resets unit.
Telnet Console Commands 6-3