2. To show the current IP settings, type sh ip (show TCP/IP settings) and
press Enter.
IP is enabled
IP address Boot tries 3
Subnet mask Boot method AUTO
IP Router Max window 10240
(via DHCP
LPD banner disabled Timeout 0 min
LPD retries are disabled Keepalive 1 min
Service Port TCP port
PXR1E8580_X1 X1 9100
3. To show the current Avalanche settings, type sh ava (show all Avalanche properties) and
press Enter.
Console IP address:
Avalanche is Enabled
Packages installed:
SSCfg: Revision 1
Properties set:
OsVer = 3.0
OsType = PHG2
ProcessorType = MC68336GCAB20
ProcessorRevision = 1F76K
Processor = freescale
Type = M09460
ModelCode = 22
ModelName = PXR1E859E
NetVer = 1.14
EnablerVer = 1.63
RadioType = G
CoreEnabler = 3
4. To change the SSID, type set nw ssid testsystem and press Enter.
5. To set the IP address, type
set ip ad and press Enter.
6. To set the subnet mask, type
set ip sub and press Enter.
7. Type
INIT and press Enter to save the settings and initialize the unit.
8. Type
EXIT to exit Telnet.
Help Commands
For help at any time, type “Help” and a list of available commands appears. The Help command
builds on itself, because for each command you type, more details appear for each option.
Syntax: help set
DEFAULT Set parameters to factory defaults
PAssword <password> Set console password
POrt <name> ... Parameter for port <name>
NWrk Network Parameters
PROtect <password> Set update password
SERVEr Server Parameters
SERVIce <name> Service Parameters
SNMP SNMP Variables
Avalanche Avalanche Parameters
POWer Power Management
SYSLog Syslog Parameters
DNS DNS Parameters
STRing n "..." BOT/EOT string
IP LPD/TCP Parameters
POP3 POP3 Parameters
SMTP SMTP Parameters
NETWare Netware Parameters
POWERON <delay-sec> Power on delay
Displays a list of the available help commands for “Set.”
Note: For any command that uses SET, you can also use SHOW to view the current setting.
6-2 System Administrator’s Guide