204 Avaya CMS Sun Fire V880 Computer Hardware Installation, Maintenance, and Troubleshooting
RSC Remote System Control
SCSI See Small computer system interface (SCSI)
SCSI Bus An industry standard peripheral bus that is used to connect intelligent
peripherals to a computer. It uses a daisy-chained cabling arrangement that
originates at the Host Adapter to interconnect up to seven intelligent
peripheral controllers on the bus. The Sun computer uses a fast SCSI-2
SCSI ID Each tap on the SCSI bus is required to have a unique identification or
address, which is the SCSI ID. The ID is set by a switch located on each
SCSI single-ended bus A version of the SCSI bus designed to minimize cost and space. Cable
lengths up to 6 meters are supported. It is not compatible with the differential
version of the SCSI bus.
Small computer
system interface
A hardware interface that allows the connection of peripheral devices (such
as hard disks, tape drives, CD-ROM drives, and DVD-ROM drives) to a
computer system.
Solaris The operating system package on the Sun computer. Solaris is a version of
the UNIX
System V Release 4. CMS requires Solaris to run on the Sun
SSO Services Support Organization. The Avaya organization that provides
technical support for Avaya products.
TPE Twisted-pair Ethernet